I recently went Illinois to visit my sister Kim. It was a spur of the moment trip. I decided she needed me. So I told Mike, I made arrangements for the boys, and I was off. Maybe not quite that quick, or that easy, but I was able to go.
I left home later than expected but made good time on my 8 hour trip, pulling into Kim's drive even before they got back from Abbi's skate practice.
I had so much fun with my sister and her three beautiful girls. Sorry, but I did not get any pictures of Millie this time around. She was tucked warmly in her stroller when I had my camera out and I decided she was happy to be out of the limelight this time around.
While in Elgin, Kim took me to a few stores that I don't get to very often since we don't have them out in the boondocks of the Upper Peninsula. We trolled the aisles of two party stores, looking for brown crepe paper. One of them carried it but did not have it in stock. I was sorely disappointed. But I did buy spider web stuff and some bugs. Oh, yeah, and these wall hangings that look like barn doors. I'll be decorating my Sunday School class with my treasures.
Not only can Kim snap some awesome photos but she can COOK! I take much pride in my own abilities to make mouths water so believe me when I say, she impressed me with every meal. Yum, yum, yum. I did gain a few pounds over the weekend. She even made concessions for my gluten intolerance. Her homemade meatballs are divine and her lemon chicken was oh. so. scrumptious!
On Sunday morning I had plans to visit the Bartlett United Pentecostal Church pastored by Jack Yonts, Sr. I had invited Kim to attend with me but she already had a photo session planned for that morning. Since the photo shoot started before I left I was able to peek in and see all the fun her 2 year old subject was having as her 3rd Birthday photos were being taken--giant cupcake included. I'm not a BIG CITY driver but I was able to successfully drive myself to the church after a brief glance on MapQuest. Church was enjoyable--the worship was anointed and the preaching was the old-time Pentecostal preaching I remember hearing as a child.
Monday, Kim had plans to volunteer in Abbi's preschool classroom so I checked out Elgin's magnificent Gail Borden Public Library. Add it to your next "place to stop while on vacation". There is SO much to do there. And all I did in a 2 hour period was check out the kids' movies for my nieces, learn how to use the self-check out scanners, visit the Youth and Kids' Centers and stop by the cafe so Lexi and Millie could have a snack. After a quick lunch, Kim and I headed to downtown Elgin to scout for locations for photoshoots. Kim, an up and coming photographer, reminded me to bring my new digital SLR so we could play if the weather worked for us. We were hoping for a fairer day but had to take what we could get. I still can't understand everything about my camera but I'm working on it.
It was so hard to leave Tuesday morning. Visits with my sister are few and far between because of the miles between us. And I love to see how the girls are growing and changing. I can't wait for another chance to visit with them.
The drive back was uneventful....the weather was decent. I did end up driving in the dark and about 45 minutes from home I just could not keep my eyes open any longer! I ended up pulling over and resting my eyes for a few moments.
There's just something about pulling back into your own driveway after a time away. Though the trip was so fun and enjoyable, I missed my home and my men!!!
Thanks for the great time Kim! Can't wait to do it again.