If it bothers you, let me know. And then maybe you can help me figure this out. =)
Welcome to my Sunday School class. We are the 3 - 9 year olds at this particular time. If you come back in a year I may have room for 10 year olds because I have a hard time letting go of my own children.
Meet Bumble Bee-liever. I made her. She is my bee puppet. The kids absolutely love her!
Though I may have many artistic skills, it's so much faster to use the overheads provided. Here are my "Plan of Salvation" billboards.
Very PASTORAL. Cow in the field, big fluffy clouds. Soothing scenes should foster peace and harmony in the classroom. Or not. We have a very busy room. The kids keep me on my toes!
Our Memory Verse garden. Each child puts a bug sticker on his/her flower each time they say their verses. Leaves are 3-D.
I believe a classroom should be engaging. Each item ties into the lessons...even the 3 spiders hiding on their webs. Did you see the two in the pictures?
Besides the table, I also have a rug for the kids to sit on when I'm telling the week's Bible story. I find it's easier to have two areas to work in. Kids in this age group are not going to want to sit at a table for a whole hour. They squirm, tear at the table cloth, get up, lose interest. Being able to spread out or lay down gives them an outlet. I also try to incorporate a time to sing and move around....get all the wiggles out! This isn't always the case and I'm working on that.
We will be changing our set-up here shortly. I can't say a whole lot about it right now....just that our theme is going to be "Crime Stoppers". Our lessons are based on the commandments. The decorations should be great. I can't wait to see how it will all come together.
We will be changing our set-up here shortly. I can't say a whole lot about it right now....just that our theme is going to be "Crime Stoppers". Our lessons are based on the commandments. The decorations should be great. I can't wait to see how it will all come together.
PS. We hung bee cutouts for attendance each week...so now the walls are covered with bees. =)