About Me
- bigSIS
- Daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend. Living each day to the fullest. I know God has a plan for me, if I could just see it all through His eyes.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
March On!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Patience is a Virtue
Monday, June 1, 2009
I'm too old for this!
So we took off and decided to only go as far as the Post Office. That's probably just over a 3 mile bike ride. Not bad.
The ride there was great and exhilirating. It was Samuel's first foray past our road. And we had a great big hill to coast down and feel the wind in our faces and he loved it.
When we got to the Post Office we got drinks of water from the natural spring behind the building and then headed back home.
I taught the boys the rules of biking.....follow all rules of the road, signaling, staying on the right side, riding in single file, etc. They did great except for Samuel swerving off the road onto the gravel shoulder and then back straight into the road, almost cutting me off, forcing me into the road to avoid a collision (thank goodness there were no cars in sight).
Then we turned back onto our road and started up the hill.
Oh, boy! It was a ride. About half way. Then we got off the bikes and walked most of the way up. We got back on the bikes as soon as we were to a spot flat enough to start off from.
I am ashamed to say that it was too hard. Way too hard. I was in so much pain. My legs were tired but that's not the bad part. I couldn't catch my breath. I stopped for a last rest right before a friend's house (didn't want anyone to know I couldn't do it). Then I forced myself to ride the rest of the way to the side road we live on. As soon as I passed the neighbor's house, I stopped again to take a breather before making it the rest of the way home. Then I flopped down on the couch for 10 minutes to catch my breath and will my heart to not explode.
The sad thing is, I used to ride my bike to school everyday, until the snow flew, which was about 10 miles from our home.
I guess I must be getting old. I don't like how it feels. Not one bit!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Hot Time in the UP
At 8:00am it was 38*F. At 2:30pm it was 94*F. Yowsah!
It was a very dry heat.
And there was a LOT of wind.
Know what that means?
Very extreme fire hazard. That's what it means.
And we found out all about that fire hazard last night.
On our way to church we spied a cloud of smoke to the east and all I didn't know was where the fire had originated. A fire had started just east of L'Anse and quickly spread with the wind gusting up to 50-60mph.
Mike was on the golf course and I gave him a call to see what he knew. All he knew was that the fire was a big 'un and he wasn't responding to any calls til his 18 holes were played. (Ninny!) Baraga was called to assist L'Anse around 6:30pm and the kids watched as the fire engines raced past the church. Pelkie Fire Department was put on standby later that evening (Mike was finished with his golf and ready to respond--finally!) but they were never called out.
Now, the news last night was that certain residents (one lady from our church included) were asked to evacuate just in case, but as we left L'Anse at 9:00pm we could see that it was mostly under control.
The info I heard from our local gossip is that it was sparked off by someone welding. I'm sure Mike will get the whole scoop today and I will pass it on.
That's the closest I've ever been to a forest fire and I hope it stays that way. I was really nervous yesterday....we live in the middle of the woods (literally surrounded on all sides by trees--lots of deadfall) and when I was going to get the kids from the bus I got spooked by the smoke from my neighbor's wood furnace. It was more than normal and I did notice that their chimney needs repair. You notice these things when the danger is so high. Normally, I'd just be irritated with the heavy smoke blowing into our yard. *cough*
Here is the report as of 5/21/09 on the Pinery Lake Fire in L'Anse.
Go here to see pictures of the Pinery Lake Fire.
There was also a fire in the Ishpeming area Wednesday. Go here to see pictures and get reports on the Black River Falls Fire.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Vision Forum Giveaway.....
You May Not Take Our Guns
The Devolution of Law
Top Ten Questions About Genesis and Creation
The State of Parental Rights in America
Christianity and Science Fiction: Reclaiming the Genre for Christ
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
100th Post and a Giveaway at Kelli's Blog
Woo hoo! Who doesn't like a giveaway?
Check out her archives and see how a mother of 3 boys takes on the world.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
When the kids are restless
you force them to climb a mountain in the rain.
Saturday morning got off to a slow start. I did not want to make a humongous breakfast, which I usually do on Saturdays, because I was up until 1:30am the night before. We had friends over. It was fun. I'll tell you about it. Later.
So, the kids were getting restless. We had seven of them here. Yes, seven. As in 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. Cinnamon's friend, Jojo spent the night because her mom was in the hospital overnight and Mikey's friend Steven spent the night because Mikey was missing him after being grounded for almost 4 months.
I got ready at 11:30, told the kids we were leaving, to get shoes, jackets, gloves and hats on. They readily complied. And we were on the road to Silver Mountain.
We made two detours on the way. One to check out Prickett Dam to see if it was full open. It was, which explains why the Sturgeon River is running so high and fast. I love it! Then we went to the other side of the dam, at the boat launch. I heard the fish calling my name. And I'm gonna heed their calling one of these days. Just gotta make sure it's legal to fish there now first.
We got to Silver Mountain and it was drizzling. There was one other car at the bottom.
The kids were so excited to go up that I had to yell for them to come back down to get a group picture.
There's a lot of stairs. I think it would hurt less if you just hiked up. I am so out of shape. I was panting by the time I got to the last step. And we still had a way to go. Ugh!
Just as we got to what I thought was the top, we met the other people that were up there. The guy told us to make sure we went "all the way to the top". What! You mean I have to go further?
So we did.
It was worth the extra climbing. It was beautiful in the sleet. Mmmm-hmmm. Yup, sleet. So I can only imagine how pretty it is in the sunlight.
The kids were making me nervous and they didn't want to stand real still for the pictures. So after getting a decent one, I told them they could do anything, but PUSH!
Mikey, Steven, Jojo, Cinnamon, Samuel, Riley and Eli
Then we had to head back down.
Steep, steep, stairs!
Let's just say, it's easier going up, if you can ignore the burning pain in your thighs.
I almost landed on my bottom a few times, slipping in the mud. Ewwww!
Eli sitting still for a few!
By the time we got to the bottom, I had a few minutes to take a cupla pictures of the kids climbing, exploring and being silly. Then we had to zip out of there--my brother came up to visit and was already at my house.
Mikey, always so dramatic (this is why I refuse to take my boys to the Grand Canyon)
Next adventure....Sugar Loaf. Or Copper Harbor (if I can get over my fear of driving there. I get car sick and the ride there is full of tickle-bellies. Oiy!)
Friday, May 1, 2009
UP Ladies Retreat 2009
LaJoyce Martin and Sherry Langson (my pastor's wife)
All the pastors' wives present with Sis. LaJoyce Martin
Marcia Gannon and Me
My Mother-in-the-Lord, Marcia Gannon, from my hometown was able to be here again this year and we were able to catch up on all the family and church news.
We also get two really awesome meals on Friday during the retreat. Our ladies provide the food, potluck-style. This year I brought a relish tray and cake balls - 1/2 were chocolate and 1/2 were strawberry. Everyone that got one was so very impressed. I really enjoyed making these.
Cake balls (thank you Bakerella and Pioneer Woman)
Pastor Bryan Langston (Marquette) baptizes {L} in the wonderful name of Jesus!
{L} was baptized on Saturday after the retreat.
I'd have to say that was the perfect ending to a perfect retreat!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Junior Prom
When the crowning took place, each court member received a chocolate bar and the girl and boy with the golden tickets were crowned Queen and King (decided upon by a prior vote).
Anthony did not get the ticket but Grandma was so proud of him anyway. Who wouldn't be proud to claim such a handsome young man as their own?
Do you have a good prom story to tell? Please share!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Stress of Illness
My mom, niece (CJ) and I went down to my sister's home in Illinois on the 3rd of April. On the 4th I hosted her babyshower. It was a lot of fun. But that's another story for another post. You'll just have to come back to hear all about it. Or you can go here and check out the highlights now!
On Sunday, the 5th, we were going to have a quick breakfast with Kim, Russ and the girls before we hit the road so I could get back to the Keeweenaw that night.
My sis and BIL were busy in the kitchen making breakfast when my mom and CJ arrived from the hotel. My mom started to complain about a pain across her shoulders. We thought maybe she just slept wrong but after a few minutes she went to sit on the couch and got really pale and started having problems breathing. I asked if she was okay or if we should call the ambulance. She said she was okay but I just wasn't down with that. I was about to ask Kim what she thought when my mom started retching and grunting. It was SO SCARY. There was spittle around her mouth and I thought she was having a stroke or heart attack. Kim totally freaked in a completely controlled way. I know--WHAT? But really, she took control and when my mom said she was okay, Kim told her in no uncertain terms, "No you're not!". Russ called the ambulance.
Mom wasn't too thrilled about the ambulance but she did realize that she needed medical attention because she was not aware of her "episode". Everything seemed fine as far as the paramedics could tell but they said she really should go in. We opted to take her in ourselves to a hospital that my sister preferred.
We ended up in the emergency room for quite a few hours. Her EKG was fine. She's never had any problems with her heart. So they did a CAT and and echocardiogram. Mom had fluid build-up around her heart which caused the pain in her back and chest. Because of fluid her heart had to work harder and caused the "spell". But she was also experiencing extreme nausea that the doctors could not explain.
After 3 days in the hospital and 3 echocardiograms the doctors decided the fluid was not blood which was a real concern as she's on blood thinners. They released Mom to her own doctors.
We drove home on Tuesday. It was totally uneventful except for the backed up traffic between Kenosha and Milwaukee caused by a burnt out charter bus.
Mom went to see her doctor on Thursday and testing showed an improvement in the fluid level around her heart and also a problem with her gallbladder.
So far, so good.
Then Saturday night my brother, Jason, called to say mom was back in the hospital. She called the ambulance herself after experiencing the same symptoms she had the previous Sunday.
The fluid had doubled since Thursday's appointment. About an 1/2 hour after Jason's call, he called again and said Mom was going in for surgery. The doctor decided to insert a tube and drain the fluid.
With all the strain of being away from home extra long, taking CJ into our home, getting ready for Easter and remodeling our kitchen I did not take it really well. I cried--A LOT. Mike tried to console me.
I think part of it was that I could not be there for Mom. I didn't even have words to pray for her. I just cried.
I still had to clean the church that night so CJ, Mikey and I set out to do that at 9pm. I called my pastor's wife and she prayed with me.
While I was on the phone, Ian stopped in to help us clean. I was so grateful for his help. With the four of us we made short work of it. The kids also prayed with me for my mom.
Mom got through the surgery okay and was out of the hospital by Wednesday.
There are still a few unanswered questions. We still don't know what caused the fluid build-up. We don't know if it's related to the problem with her gall bladder. We don't even know what's wrong with her gall bladder.
I'm thankful that the stress of it all is over for the time being. I am slowly but surely getting back into the swing of things at home. My kitchen is coming together nicely with lots of help from my wonderful hubby.
Stay tuned. I hope to post kitchen and babyshower pics soon.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Read this
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, Where have you been?
I have been away from my blog for 15 days. Can you believe it?
Actually, the only thing I have done at my computer in the last 12 days is check my email and read a few headlines. That's it.
But today....My life is settling. A little. So I started to catch up on all the posts I've missed. I'm still not 100%. But I hope to visit most of you in the next week to let you know I still exist.
So. Where have I been?
Green Bay, WI - on layover at my Mom's enroute to Kim's for her babyshower
Elgin, IL - Kim's for baby shower
Delnor - a very nice hospital in Illinois with really nice staff. I visited my mom there for a few days after a small scare
Green Bay, WI - on layover at my Mom's enroute to my home....way far away....with a newbie in tow
Home - lots of company and a kitchen remodel
Marquette, MI - visiting in-laws. What was I thinking?
Home - very, very messy house. Problems with kiddos and newbie. We're dealing!
All over God's creation - here, there and everywhere. More shopping than I do at Christmas and the start of the school year! Golly!
School - Ever try to transfer someone when there's less than 2 months left to the school year and the classes from another state don't mesh real well with your local schools?
Home - Yah! I'm home all morning today. I'm excited. But I have more shopping to do. It's gonna pick up the pace here real quick today. Hold on!
Marquette, MI - tomorrow I'm going back there. Gotta drop the kiddos off at the in-laws and then my newbie and I are going to a Ladies Retreat! I can't wait. Just gotta endure the stress until the moment that I can drop into my chair and listen to LaJoyce Martin expound her godly wisdom and humor to me. Hallelujah!
Are you exhausted yet? I understand. I want to go into details on a few of these things later. I just don't have the time right now. So if you'll hold tight, keep your eyes and ears open into next week and don't abandon me now, I'll give you the lowdown. Ok? Ok.
Because I KNOW you want to know some things: who's the newbie? Why Delnor? Kitchen Remodel?
Oh! Oh-hohoho. I'm gonna let you in, alright. And I hope you won't mind a bit of venting too. That's what we're all about right?
Ok, then. I'll let you go for now and I'll get back to you soon. Real soon.
In the meantime, check out these sites -- my favorites!
These are just a few of the blogs I regularly visit. I hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Farewell, Coco
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Random Picture Challenge
Oh, my word.
Well, that would be Eli. Actually, Eli's mouth. And his tooth is barely hanging on. I'm sure he plucked it out right after this picture was taken.
You asked for it. You got it!
PS. Notice the sand in his nostrils and peanut butter at the corners of his mouth? This picture screams summer time! LOL
Thursday, March 26, 2009
For the Family
We, the whole family, is going to Minnesota Friday and Saturday. Just because. Just because we can. Just because Samuel thought of it. And it's his birthday Saturday. And I like Samuel. Because.
So. We are going to take in an IMAX film. About the Great Lakes. Because I like water. And one about the Grand Canyon. Because I like water and great heights. And I've been to both places. Yup. Small parts of them but still.
We are going to eat out. Yum. No more eggs for me this week. Guess what? When you don't feel like cooking....eggs are an easy meal. But they get old. And if you have an aversion to them because you are pregnant with your 3rd or 4th child it just might not be the best meal.
And we just might go to a "REAL" mall. You know, the kind that has more than 3 open store fronts.
But. We gotta get there first. And that is going to be the telling. Are we still in the honeymoon phase of childrearing? Hohohohahahee. No. I coulda told ya that. But the boys will have to get along. Sitting REALLY close together for 4 hours. Mike and I might just let them run the halls and we'll lock ourselves into our room and have a honeymoon. Woo hoo.
Ok. It's late and I'm gonna go back over to PW to read more of her real-time answers. Hope she answers my burning questions. See ya there!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Random Picture Challenge

3rd folder
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
How many of you have ever heard of Inflammatory Breast Cancer?
Don't feel bad. Not many people are aware of it.
I first read up on it about a year ago as I stumbled upon the term when I was having labs ran on a spot on my breast. That spot turned out to be a very small cyst and it went away on its own rather quickly.
I forgot all about IBC. Until today.
Yesterday I visited my doctor because of a sore lump surrounded by a large reddish patch below one breast. He told me it was cellulitis and prescribed an antibiotic. Thanks, and I went home.
Today I started studying up on cellulitis. That's not pretty in itself. I specifically 'googled' "breast cellulitis" because most sites mentioned that it was common on the extremities (arms and legs) and was a cause for great concern if on the face. But nowhere did it mention the breast. When I started looking into "breast cellulitis" I found on one site that it mentioned that IBC was often misdiagnosed as cellulitis of the breast.
Well, that woke me up in a hurry.
I am not of the hypochondriac variety. But I dug a bit further and made up my mind that if this does not clear up in the 10 days of antibiotic treatment I will have my doctor specifically check for IBC.
It's kinda scary.
Here's some facts:
1. Rare but very aggressive. Accounts for 1-5% of all breast cancer cases in US.
2. Can occur in men and women of any age. Young to old.
3. Symptoms include redness, swelling, warmth, often lacks noticeable lump, skin may be ridged or pitted like orange peel, heaviness, burning or aching of breast, inverted nipple, discoloration, swollen lymph nodes.
4. Mammograms often miss the diagnoses because it does not look like the "typical" breast cancer lump but is more like a sheet of cancer in breast tissue.
5. 5 year survival rate of 25-50%
6. Symptoms can appear over-night.
Surprisingly, the Susan G. Koman for the Cure site does not have any information on this type of cancer.
I hope by posting this will help someone survive.
PS. I would appreciate any information anyone else has on this. Thank you!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
She is a puppy.
Puppies are like babies.
Lots o' work.
Everytime I think things are going well, she changes. Her housetraining was going really good. But now when I take her out, she plays around and though I try to be patient with her, it gets old--really fast.
She is a cutie though.
Zoey, thankfully, is a very small dog so her doo is small and her puddles are small and the few accidents she's had are easy to clean. But, alas, I don't want to be cleaning up after her for months so I'm really wanting this training to take hold in her teeny-tiny brain.
Mike is the one getting up in the middle of the night with her. I told him, "I got up for all the midnight nursing and diaper changes. You can get up to take the dog out." He claims he got up for 80% of those nightly feedings and changes. I don't remember him nursing! Oh....I see. He woke up. He didn't GET up.
Well, Zoey's whining. Again.
I will take her out once before I head to the bus stop for my baby, Riley.
Friday, March 13, 2009
These were quick and easy
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Kim's Baby Shower Invitations
Not your typical baby shower invites but I wanted it to portray a girl and look like an old Golden Book-type cover. The image is stamped on pink card stock and embossed. Then I bleached out the image. When it was dry I water colored the image. A friend cut out the scalloped ovals using her die cutter. I used a bone folder to score along the "binding". A gold gel pen worked great to give it some detail and write the title. Gold cord was taped inside the binding and ran down the front.I already decided to make a library card for the actual invitation but also added the pocket and fabric-patterned scrapbook paper.
I used three different patterns. Just because I wanted to. I like them. I think the stripe and the circles are my favorites.
Baby {B} and Mom
He looks just like his daddy.
I've been feeling Crafty!
For $5.
Couldn't pass that up. Wish I would've grabbed them all!
So early Saturday I picked out four paints and got to work....
Baby {B} is a boy so I wanted to go sorta primary but picked different shades of primaries. Instead of the typical red, yellow, blue and green, I chose crimson, canary yellow, leaf green and sky blue.
I went with the safari. Though I borrowed the ant from the bug set. I did his name free-hand in green at the bottom. I added some word stickers to the mat (a favorite of mine). But I wish-really, really, really wish-I would've painted the mat blue. I still could but, eh....that's kinda awkward to do at my friend's house. What do you think? Technically, it isn't finished in my book because I haven't signed it yet....which I'm going to do today....it's a long story. See, if I sign a painting, I'm saying that I'm done and have to be happy with it as is. It's my way of dealing with my perfectionism.
More later about my sudden burst of creativity brought on by necessity.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Serious.Life Magazine

They just published the March issue today, and I am in their Featured Blog Directory. It’s a very high quality magazine… you’ll really like it. The magazine includes a lot of great content from bloggers you’ll appreciate, as well as great features, photos and other content. The magazine is owned and published by a family who have seven kids, three adopted and one who has Leukemia (http://www.riggsfamilyblog.com/). The magazine gives away a bunch of ads to charities and ministries. Besides great articles on interesting people, there is a lot about family, adoption, personal finance, spiritual life, humor… all sorts of “life” topics.
Again, the subscription is FREE, and I know you’ll enjoy the magazine, so take a minute to check it out and sign up to get future issues. http://www.seriouslifemagazine.com/