1. Where did you meet?
Mike and I met at my brother's house briefly. He came over to check Jason's stove before heading to work at Burger King where my brother also worked. Jason was bringing me in for an interview. Mike interviewed me and hired me that night. He still remembers what I wore to that interview. Though his he remembers my skirt being a bit shorter than it actually was!
2. How long did you date before you were married?
We dated 5 months before he proposed and we were married 11 months later.
3. What does he do that surprises you?
The thing that surprises me the most about Mike is his connection with little girls. We only have boys but our nieces and friends' girls are always drawn to him. He always has room on his lap for one of them when they visit. He always says that if he had had a girl he would have been the one to spoil her.
4. What is your favorite quality of his?
My favorite quality of Mike's is his humor and his laugh. He giggles. I love to make him giggle. He can be violent when tickled but I'll brave the thrashing feet, knees and elbows just to hear him giggle. He can say the darnedest things to make me laugh (and blush).
5. What is your favorite feature of his?
Picking a favorite feature is really hard. I love to look at his face. I always have. He's got a great nose and I LOVE his lips. But I think if I really have to pick a favorite then I'd have to say his hands. They are great for holding of course and they are strong. But he could stop biting his nails. Heehee.
6. Does he have a nickname for you?
He used to call me Thumper when we were dating but I don't really know that he has a regular nickname for me anymore. There are names he calls me to get a rise out of me. But I'm not sharing those at this time.
7. What is his favorite food?
Mike loves a good beef tenderloin. He also loves peanut butter, a lot!
8. What is his favorite sport?
Mike's favorite sport is NFL football and thankfully he's a Green Bay Packer fan. He wouldn't get along well with his in-laws otherwise.
9. When and where was your first kiss?
Our first kiss was on July 3rd or maybe it was the 4th. It was the wee hours of the morning after working a closing shift at Burger King and Jason, Mike and I always drove around a bit before heading home to go our separate ways. That night, Jason wasn't with us but we drove down to the lighthouse and we were sitting on the rocks listening to the waves. The air was balmy and I looked up at him and he leaned over and kissed me. Then it began to rain. I love this memory.
10. What do you like to do together?
We like to take drives around the area to find where different roads will lead us. We also like to spend the quiet hours after the kids go to bed just being together, not necessarily doing anything together but being in the same room. We also love to play games. Mike is so competitive!
11. Do you have any children?
Mike has a 17 yo son from his first marriage. We have 4 boys together, 12, 10, 8 (ages are rounded up as their birthdays are coming up) and 4 yo. They are a joy and a source of all our gray hairs!
12. Does he have a hidden talent?
Mike has a talent that should stay hidden! He can sing just like the singers from the "hair" bands of the eighties. Oh, it is so irritating! But it also makes me laugh. Otherwise, he has a great singing voice. Another talent not everyone knows about him is that he can fix almost-I did say almost-anything. He is a self-taught fix-it man that will learn through trial, error and experience. He used to do most of the maintenance at the BK he worked at and does most of our vehicle repairs himself.
13. Who said "I love you" first?
I am pretty sure it was me. I'm 6 years younger than Mike and he was 24 when we started dating. I probably said "I love you" before I even knew I was in love!
14. What is his favorite type of music?
Mike likes rock, hard rock, rap, punk and some that I don't even know the genre of. His favorite is Pink Floyd. We don't share the same tastes in music.
15. What do you admire most about him?
The thing I admire most about Mike is his care for our family. He works hard to provide for us. I grew up in a home where my mom supported the family while going to college as my dad could not keep a steady job. So the stability that Mike supplies for our family is tremendous for me. I am able to stay at home with the kids. Now Mike is also going to school to get a nursing degree. He thinks ahead and is always trying to better himself and make sure we are ready for the future.
16. Do you think he will read this?
Mike only reads my posts if I ask him to. This is one he needs to read.
This is great! Did someone tag you, or did you make it up? I would like to do this for my husband.
welcome to MHR Fridays!!! you will be blogrolled here shortly! :) i love your first kiss story - how precious! :)
Its nice to hear women speak of their husbands so sweetly. Yes, for sure make certain he sees this!
I love your first kiss story. What a great memory! Welcome to MHR!
Have a great weekend!
Hi all. Nikki, I heard about it on Ashley's blog, Putting God First Place. Get involved over at Katy Lin's blog.
I enjoyed reading your post. It's so nice to hear a woman praising her husband. :)
I agree, this is a great post. It's so nice to hear a hubby being praised and appreciated. It sounds like you two are a good match for each other.
I might just borrow this idea later in the month. It's a nice change from all the other memes and tags.
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