But it seems that time is getting away from me this year and I'm already into the thick of my oldest Christmas tradition: trying to get homemade cards and newsletters out BEFORE Christmas. I'm doing really well this year. I have the pictures but other than that, nothing. Hahaha. *eye twitches, choke--really* What am I going to do???
Actually, to be quite honest, I have it SO very easy. First of all, my decorating is the bare minimun. I hang lights and pine garland around the livingroom and usually the kids homemade ornaments hang from suction cups on the windows. That's about it. We don't do a tree for various reasons. The first of which is we don't want one. Yes, they are pretty and all that but the mess isn't worth the hassle when we are hardly ever home for the holidays. I think we have woke up on Christmas morning, in our own bed maybe twice in our 14 year relationship.
Our Christmas traditions are quite simple. I love that we go to my in-laws for Christmas eve. I hate to miss it. We used to go with them to Mike's great gr'ma's house for snacks and the aunts and uncles exchanged gifts then. After she went to the nursing home, we brought our Christmas eve celebration there. It was still a lot of fun. Our kids even enjoyed it. Mike didn't really care for it as he has a decided dislike for nursing homes. After she passed away we just stayed at my in-laws since my MIL is the oldest in her family. Now the aunts, uncles, and cousins in the area all go there and it's a blast.

I am also a Sunday School teacher so I get the honor of putting together a presentation each year with my class of 3-8 year olds.

Well, I have Christmas concerts today plus 2 different Christmas parties to attend tonight so I'd better get some much needed sleep. Merry Christmas to you all!
Enjoy your various celebrations!
Love the pictures from your Sunday School class performance! Your list of children's Christmas books sounds great - I'll have to check them out. I don't have any kids but I like kids' books (I used to be a nanny for wee ones, though.)
Loved to see your pics from Christmas'es and your Sunday School. All those advent tour posts really put me in the right holiday spirit, which is sometimes hard to find when December is such a rush with work and preparations and all that. But I am like you, I do have it rather easy. We are not celebrating at home, and never did, so we don't have a tree either. I do get a little stressed from all the presents I need to get, but that is nothing compared to what others are "going through". Thanks for a great post.
Your Sunday School class is SO cute. That's a great idea. :)
I think the advent idea is a wonderful tradition to work into your holiday. It is nice to hear about your traditions. Family being at the core.
I am also rapidly coming to the realisation that I am going to have to send brought cards. I have my design done, I have even made some, but nowhere near enough!
Thanks for participating in the Tour!
Thanks for participating in the tour! We put our tree up today and I am dying already! I guess I am allergic to real Christmas trees. Fun, fun!
I love reading about different ways of celebrating Christmas. There are so many traditions, and I love how families create their own. Thanks for sharing yours and thanks for the pictures!
I love the way you're marking advent! It sounds like a fun, hands-on idea.
I love all the pictures. It is great to see people celebrating and spending time with their families
Aw, they look so cute!
thank you for sharing! I love the kids in the Sunday School dressed up as animals once. A very good friend of mine is also a Sunday School teacher, I think I'll pass this along! Her class varies in size, sometimes it's huge, sometimes tiny, so it makes it hard for planning sometimes. I also think it's great that you don't have to decorate your house, and your kids don't mind! Even though we are going to be away for all the holidays, we put up a tiny fake tree and a few wreaths, plus brought out all the Hallmark noise making decorations, which the kids are young enough to love. thank you for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your tradition and showing your Sunday School class performance! The kids so cute in their costumes :)
I wish your you and your family a Happy Holidays!
Sorry for being late, trying to catch up on the Advent Tour.
Thank you for sharing your traditions.
Have a happy holidays!
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