About Me
- bigSIS
- Daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend. Living each day to the fullest. I know God has a plan for me, if I could just see it all through His eyes.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Anything Agatha Challenge
Here's the list of what I've read:
Poirot Investigates (Collection of Poirot Short Stories)- Agatha Christie
Appointment with Death - Agatha Christie
Taken at the Flood - Agatha Christie
Murder in Mesopotamia - Agatha Christie
The Burden - Agatha Christie writing under the name Mary Westmacott
Cat Among the Pigeons - Agatha Christie
The Mirror Crack'd - Agatha Christie
The Murder at Hazelmoor - Agatha Christie
Curtain - Agatha Christie
The Body in the Library - Agatha Christie
Evil Under the Sun - Agatha Christie
Pocket Full of Rye - Agatha Christie
The Moving Finger - Agatha Christie
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What's On Your Nightstand?
Curtain-Agatha Christie (hard cover, 1975 edition)
Curtain- Agatha Christie (soft cover, 1976 edition)
I was so excited I didn't even check the titles! Hohohoheeheehee. Mayhap it was just that I'm so thoroughly exhausted. Hmmm? Maybe.
I also have these on the nightstand:
More Than a Carpenter-Josh McDowell
Crusader Hymns and Hymn Stories-The Billy Graham Team
I love the stories behind the hymns we sing at church so I snapped this one up. I'm hoping it will be something I can share with the kids since they have heard a few of these true stories through Adventures in Odyssey and have shown a lot of interest in them.
I'm suffering though. I have these great books at my fingertips and I can't read them. Yet. I have too much to do before my family shows up tomorrow and Thursday, expecting a 5-star Thanksgiving Dinner. I am so thankful those books will still be here when they have had their fill of food and family and head home.
Happy reading!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Why I'm Up So Stinkin' Late
Last night, Mike begged me to treat them all out to pizza so we wouldn't have to eat at our overloaded table. Today I just shoved it all aside and made room for the kids...they had grilled cheese and fruit for dinner, hot cocoa and GoldFish pretzel crackers for a bedtime snack. It worked...but it's getting old. For them and for me.
So, I'm half done with the kitchen. Unfortunately, I have finished the EASY half. The rest of it, I have to move the fridge and stove, and all my junque on the counters and above the cupboards to even get to the walls to paint.
The good news is that I am falling in love with the color....I think.
I'll let you know for sure when it is ALL done.
Of course I've thrown in extra projects, like the bookcase to keep me busy in the meantime. Right now I have 4 paint pans going: primer, summer rye (k), rice paper (br), and foam (bc and door).
Fun, fun, fun.
Disclaimer: My kitchen doesn't always look this cluttered. Really! Just sometimes. =)
My goal before I head off to slumber land? The last coat in the bathroom (all but the cabinet doors will be done! woo hoo!). Better get to it..... Night y'all!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Wintry Tour
There is a peaceful loneliness that a snowy day conveys. The snow closes you off from the outside world and all can seem right in the world for a brief moment.
This little house is a favorite of mine. Of all the run-down shacks that you find up here, the symmetry of this one really speaks to me. So much care put into the building of it, but now it stands empty, only awaiting the ravages of time.
I would love to look in there and see how it was designed. I would love to copy the outside structure, but with my family I'd have to add an addition out back...but in a way to save the symmetry.
These enchanting roads that take my thoughts on flights of fancy can quickly become hazardous during our winter storms. With hardly a landmark to guide you in a dark, snowy storm it would be easy to lose the road and have to trek to the nearest (term used loosely) farm to get help--our cell service is quite spotty out here.
These little out-buildings always grab my attention. One property I passed today had at least 6 out-buildings of various sizes. I wonder what they are all for and if they are all still used. Mike often laughs at me because I rant about the run down shacks out here. Why don't the owners rip them up or burn them down. Our fire department could always use a good practice burn.
Yes, it's a fence post. I like fence posts. And barbed wire. As long as I'm not tripping over it!
This tree is a bit scary.
But I like it.
Here, if I go straight, I will not have enough gas to get the kids after school. So, I'm turning right and heading home. But another day I will take you farther down this road.
What's over that hill? I know what's over this particular hill. But this is the question that keeps me going some days--just wandering the back roads. Ooooh! Just remembered a back road I did that on and I'm definitely gonna take you down that one! Either before the snow gets too deep or next spring. I should've gone while the leaves were still changing. It is a glorious drive!
SEE! It pays to go over that next hill. You never know what you're gonna find.
That's home, peaking through the trees.
The sun decided to make an appearance later in the afternoon. I like how all glowy this picture is. I like this spot in my yard too. Those trees are nice.
I hope you enjoyed our little driving-picture tour.
Ok, I gotta go paint! Have a blessed day. =)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tea for Two?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
2008 Blog Advent Tour
*******************STICKY POST**************************

1 December - Alabama Bookworm/Joanne from Lost in a Good Book
2 December - Louise from Lou's Pages/Penelope from Life's Sweet Passions
3 December - Booklogged from A Reader's Journal
4 December - Ladytink from Ladytink's Neverland
5 December - Vickie from Scrapbooking and Tidbits
6 December - Andrew from The View from Arizona
7 December - Becky from Becky's Book Reviews
8 December - Amy from Passages to the Past/Alyssa from By the Book
9 December - Raidergirl3 from An Adventure in Reading
10 December - Kerrie from Mysteries in Paradise
11 December - Chris from Book-a-rama
12 December - Bigsis from Through the Eyes of the Creator
13 December - Nymeth from Things Mean a Lot
14 December - Emily from Dreaming on the Job
15 December - Natasha from Maw Books
16 December - Strumpet from Strumpet's Life / Chris from Stuff as Dreams are Made on
17 December - 3M from 1 More Chapter
18 December - Alex from Daemonwolf Books
19 December - Laclau from Conversacions de Cafe
20 December - Jessica from The Bluestockings Society/Naida from The Bookworm
21 December - Rhinoa from Rhinoa's Ramblings/Melissa from Remember to Breathe
22 December - Think Pink Dana/My Friend Amy
23 December - Jane from Janezlifeandtimes/Memory from Stella Matutina
24 December - Carl from Stainless Steel Droppings / Kailana's Written World
Signing up is easy! Just leave a comment either on this post, or the similar one at Kailana's blog! If you want to post on a specific date then please mention that date in your comment as well, otherwise we will allocate a date for you.
If you want to see what other people have done during the last couple of years, then this link will lead you to all the posts over the last couple of years.A very special thanks to Alex from Le Canape for the lovely button! When I asked her to create a button for this year's tour, I didn't really give her much to go on other than the ones from the previous two years. She came back with this one, and the reason she gave for the design was "to do something like a small part of an envelope and a stamp, since this must be the time of the year when people send more letters to each others." Perfect! Thanks Alex!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veteran's Day
First the Mr. Stockero, the principal welcomed all the veterans and visitors and then turned the program over to the students, who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the band played "The Star Spangled Banner" beautifully.
Each of the veterans there were presented and then the grade school children sang their songs. It was very cute and moving. They did an excellent job. We watched especially to be sure our boys were participating and were proud to note that they did with enthusiasm. After each class group sang, the entire grade school sang "If you love your country, thank a Vet". I was very near tears by the time the song was done. A slide presentation of the Vets' pictures from their time of service was played while the children sang.
Afterward, the State Chaplain for our Am. Leg. Post closed the presentation with a very moving speech that encouraged our young people to take pride in living a life of decency and honor. The program was closed with the playing of "Taps" by 2 students from the school.
I am so thankful that I took the time out today to attend that program and that my children are learning to respect those that have served our country not only at home but also at school.
"Thank You!" to all that served and are still serving our country that we might have freedom!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Giving Up Control
I am having that issue in regards to our Parent meetings for Head Start. This year was the first time in 7 years that I did not volunteer to be an officer. I have been the Chairperson for 4 of those years, the secretary for 2 and the treasurer once. I've also been the Council Rep once.
I decided that this year I'd let the newer parents have a shot at leading. The problem lies in the fact that some of them don't know what they are doing but don't want suggestions either. So, I just sat back and let the meeting flounder. We didn't accomplish much besides setting dates for our next 2 meetings.
Well, it's my last year to be involved in this aspect of BHK so I guess I won't complain too much. Maybe I'll hint around during classroom hours and give our newbies some tips. Or maybe I'll just shut my mouth and accept that I'm no longer in control. =)
100+ Reading Challenge 2009
I've decided to sign up for a few of these reading challenges hosted by my fellow bloggers. First of all, it won't take any more of my time than I already use for reading and since I read so much I might as well challenge myself! Check out the other challenges I'm doing on my sidebar.
Here are the guidelines:
1) You can join anytime as long as you don’t start reading your books prior to 2009.
2) This challenge is for 2009 only. The last day to have all your books read is December 31, 2009.
3) You can join anytime between now and December 31, 2009.
4) If you don’t have a blog, please join our Yahoo Groups.
5) When you sign up under Mr. Linky, list the direct link to your post where your 100+ books will be listed. If you list just your blog’s URL, it will be removed.
6) All books count: children’s, YA, adults, fiction, non-fiction, how-tos, etc.
7) Feel free to post in the comment section or on Yahoo Groups your monthly progress as well as your favorite books that month.
I'll list my books here:
1. Beside a Burning Sea - John Shors
2. A Father's Law - Richard Wright
3. The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
4. The Shack - William P. Young
5. Vampire in Moscow - Richard Henrick
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Snow is Inevitable
Saturday, November 8, 2008
How not to spend 1 1/2 hours....
I was actually surprised by the time we were done. After the disaster of the group photos I figured we'd go out of there with the basic $5 pkg and nothing more but we fell in love with their individual shots.
The one thing I can say is my boys are darlings. I can't wait to show them off. Be on the look out in 2 weeks.
Until then.....Blog On!
PS. Auntie Kim we look forward to our photo shoot with you!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Bus Stop
Once it gets colder the chats at the bus stop won't be as comfortable. The past two days, four of us mothers have let the kids run the loop around the vehicles as we stood out and waited for the bus. It's nostalgic of how things used to be. And how things still are in small farming communities.
Yesterday's topic of conversation was lice and presidents. LOL Today we talked about antsy kids and frustrating family members. Yesterday afternoon I chatted with one mom about our eldest sons. They are 2 peas in pod. Now I don't feel so alone with my difficult child. She has one too!
I'm almost thinking that after the weather cools off and the snow flies so that we can't stand out in the weather I'll just invite them over for coffee right after the kids get on the bus. It's funny, we all live so close together, we could actually car pool but I think we all look forward to seeing and talking to one another.
*shrugs* Well, that was the highlight of my morning. On the agenda for this afternoon? Parent-teacher conferences. I'm sure I'll have plenty to vent after that! =)
Have a good day everyone. Love ya all!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Two Topics Today
#1. The election. Well, Obama is in. I did NOT vote for Obama. BUT. I am a proud American that will support my elected president. I do not like the attitude I've seen, heard and read from the Republicans. The fact that they boo'ed Obama's name while McCain gave his speech last night was mortifying. While Obama spoke of McCain there was not a shout or interruption and that is as it should be. Weren't they both running a race that technically had the same goal? So, now, rather than fight amongst ourselves, we need to work together. I'm not saying that I agree with Obama's policies or even that I like the man himself (although I don't have an opinion on his character as of yet). I can disagree and still support my country.
I stayed up late watching the results come in on my laptop. Even after Obama had won at 11pm, I was still curious about those states that had not submitted their decisions yet. The problem is that the key states were won for Obama before the election even took place. McCain did not stand a chance. I'm proud of him for trying. And I hope that in 2012 we have a strong campaign, with a dynamic leader, that will win the election. But until then, we shall see what we shall see. The other thing I was disappointed in was that MI voters passed the proposals for stem cell research on embryos and medically used marijuana. There were many tears shed on my pillow last night.
#2. Have any of you been following the posts for the Compassion, International trip to the Dominican Republic? Please do if you have the time! Very moving, heartbreaking, inspiring and thought-provoking stuff there.
Alright. I think that will do for now. I'm still tired after my vigil last night and I am on the more emotional side today. Love to all!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 ELECTION DAY
Well, Happy Election Day everyone! I hope you all did your duty as a citizen of this fine country and voted. If not, please make sure to register and become informed before the next election in 2012.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Election '09
Get out there and vote!
This OId House
Wish me luck and send in spelunkers if you don't hear from me in 24!