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Daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend. Living each day to the fullest. I know God has a plan for me, if I could just see it all through His eyes.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tea for Two?

Last night I had the pleasure of being invited to a friend's home to try out her new Tupperware tea pot and blooming tea. I so needed this time away from home-I was feeling ignored by Mike (talking to a soup pot would've been more rewarding) and I had absolutely no tolerance for the boys. It was a last minute affair with no purpose but to share some tea among friends. There were actually about 10 of us there. We had blueberry scones, some killer chocolate brownies, and the tea. Oh, the tea! Now I don't know exactly what it is called, but it is from Tupperware and it has lily and jasmine in it. It was the smoothest tea I've ever had and I'm quite the tea drinker. It didn't have a bitter aftertaste or the dryness often associated with teas. If you'd like to try it, the host, Cheryl, sells Tupperware and you can get in touch with her through her beautiful blog, Out on a Whim . We were only there about 2 hours--perfect for a quick visit without overstaying our welcome or getting on each other's nerves. We had a great time of fellowship and I think I can speak for all there that we look forward to another evening like it. What a great way to share the cold, dark and long evenings of the coming winter. Thank you, Cheryl!


MyKidsMom said...

A tupperware tea party sounds wonderful! I'm glad you were able to get a much-needed break.

pam said...

Oh, a tea party sounds so nice!