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Daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend. Living each day to the fullest. I know God has a plan for me, if I could just see it all through His eyes.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 ELECTION DAY

I am a proud voter as of 4:20pm today. I took Eli and Samuel with me to the polls. Mikey choose to stay at home. The pros to living in a small community like I do is that there are no lines 1/2 mile long and 500 people deep. There was only one gentleman in there when I got there and there were four more as I left. I had the chance to explain what I was doing as I voted and the boys asked several questions as I filled the ballot in. I explained what a political party was, why I could vote for more than one nominee for certain positions and what the initiatives were. We talked about write-ins and why some positions only had one nominee. I hope they will remember this day come next election and then that they recall it when it comes time for them to vote their first time. Now as I've been sifting through the articles about the voting on the internet and we are less than 3 hours from receiving the first results from the east coast I just want to crawl into bed, bury my head and cry. I get very emotional over these things! I know that I am basically useless for the rest of the night. I'm sure I'll be up until midnight to see Alaska's results come in. I just can't wait til tomorrow to know the direction our nation will be headed.
Well, Happy Election Day everyone! I hope you all did your duty as a citizen of this fine country and voted. If not, please make sure to register and become informed before the next election in 2012.

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